Hello all! I will continue onward to discuss my research, as promised! First, I would like to explain the catalyst that pushed me towards my topic... One dark and bored night, through some profound internet surfing, I came across a detailed article on Bill Gates' home and all its high-tech glory. Besides its colossal size, there was a plethora of other installments that made this mansion impressive. For instance, there were pressure-sensitive floors that used the person's weight and temperature to detect the identity of the guest, sensors that detected people's moods and played music accordingly, and more sensors that detected body temperatures and adjusted room temperature accordingly. I was thoroughly intrigued by this find and even obsessed enough to watch a 10-minute Youtube tour of Mr. Gates' home. Now, the deeper meaning to justify that tangent... What lasted with me from this article was the idea of manipulating design and technology of a building to better accommodate humans. What
are the exact dynamics between humans and buildings? Design of buildings influence humans somehow...Does it particularly impact human behavior? Thus, I arrived on my new statement of purpose for this project:
I would like to study the new field, Environment-Behavior Studies, and link this to architecture. Incorporating the study into architecture would enhance the architectural process. As I mentioned before, architects must already implicitly consider the influence of design on the inhabitants and users, but I would like to show what happens when other aspects beyond aesthetic appeal and practicality are explicitly introduced such as EBS and the psychology of design and its impact on people.
"The common stereotype of architects--sheltered, isolated, geniuses--is not necessarily upheld in the modern world where many heads are needed to assess the plethora of variables presented in designing practical yet innovative architecture."
Source of inspiration for my project (thank you Bill!) |
OK, Enji. you're narrowing your scope and this is good.